Monday, February 4, 2019

Venous eczema

Let's first define what is a disease, which will be discussed in this article. Thus, venous eczema is a chronic inflammation of the skin, which occurs as a result of venous stagnation. Most often, this disease affects the legs. In principle, the disease can develop for various reasons, among which the most common are: diseases of blood vessels and veins, leg injuries, heart disease;

Obesity has a special influence on the development of venous eczema. People who have a lot of weight are usually inactive, mostly their lifestyle is sedentary, while blood stagnates in the lower extremities, and there are all the prerequisites for the disease to begin to develop.


Venous eczema

It is the presence of thrombosis of the veins of the legs is a common cause of eczema. The first to are struck by hammer. This occurs as a result of lack of oxygen in the tissues, as well as blood flow difficulties. The result of all the above is the swelling of the leg, with the expansion of the lumen of the vessels, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result, there is an infection with fluid and pus inside the wounds, later ulcers begin to form. The leg is strongly swollen and the development of venous eczema occurs. It is worth noting that eczema is not contagious, although it has a repulsive and frightening appearance.


Venous eczema is not an independent disease. This is a complication that occurs in the presence of varicose veins, which has already passed to the" developed " stage. At this time, the picture of the presence of venous insufficiency is already present: there is a constant swelling of the legs, veins are greatly expanded.

One of the first symptoms of complications can be considered itching. On the skin exposed to changes (the skin becomes hyperpigmented and thickened), small bubbles are formed, which are quickly opened (as a result of combs or independently). Also appear peeling crust, scales or folds.

Over time, the soaking covers begin to dry up, while the skin thickens and coarsens, there is its scarring.

Legs with trophic ulcers

Any damaged parts of the skin (where the scrapes and scratches), the formation of trophic ulcers – defects of the skin, usually with great depth. Ulcers heal badly due to impaired blood supply to the leg. From ulcer often stands out purulent contents, which are irritating to surrounding skin than aggravate eczema.

How to recognize the manifestation of the disease is not hard to miss: it is swelling of the legs, disturbance of tissue trophism and inflammatory processes in the veins.


The treatment of the disease is reduced primarily to eliminate the direct causes triggering. It is necessary to start with the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Usually treatment is aimed at the normalization of venous outflow, as well as to combat skin complications.

compression stockings
In this case, the following therapeutic measures are usually carried out:
  • During rest, the lower limbs should be kept in a raised state.
  • To minimize the time in the vertical position.
  • The use of compression knitwear-it is recommended to wear special socks or stockings that compress the legs and have a positive effect on the outflow of venous blood.
  • Appointment doctor venotonics-drugs that affect the reduction of the permeability of the walls of the veins, reducing swelling. It is worth noting that these drugs are taken for several months, sometimes even their reception is appointed for life, to achieve and consolidate the therapeutic effect.
  • Appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, antibiotics.
  • The use of ointments that contain antibacterial, healing and analgesic components to fight eczema and ulcers.
The development of venous eczema clearly complicates the development of varicose vascular disease, to cure it, it is necessary to normalize venous outflow, as well as to fight infection at the local level. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist – surgeon, dermatologist and phlebologist.

In addition to medical treatment, the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient, can prescribe a course of physiotherapy:
  1. Laserotherapy;
  2. UFO;
  3. Magnetotherapy;
  4. UHF.
Elevated Legs Compression Systems
Also, this disease can be treated with compression vacuum therapy. When this procedure is carried out, a pneumatic hose with many chambers is used, which is equipped with overlapping cells. There is stimulation and removal of lymph from the legs. Due to the stimulation of lymph flow, swelling in the extremities is reduced.

Venous eczema can also be treated surgically. This method should be used if there is a need to eliminate necrotic tissue that is affected by trophic ulcers.

Also, surgical treatment is possible in the form of elimination of dilated vessels to restore blood circulation.

Treatment of this disease often has a positive prognosis. However, it can only be counted on if the patient fully complies with and follows all the procedures and recommendations for care and treatment prescribed by the doctor. If you do not start treatment of eczema in a timely manner, it can lead to sad consequences, including amputation of the limb.


In parallel with the use of prescribed medicines can be used and folk remedies. Basically, they are represented by various compresses with decoctions of herbs or salt, with cabbage leaf. Excellent anti-inflammatory effect have herbs such as chamomile, sage, series. To prepare a compress, the grass is brewed in boiling water, insist 1.5-2 hours, filter. Broth need to moisten a clean cloth and apply to the affected area.

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of venous eczema can not rely solely on traditional methods of treatment. Their use is allowed only in conjunction with the reception of drugs and the implementation of all the instructions of the attending physician. It is also worth noting that folk remedies are not recommended to use during the exacerbation of the disease, as it is possible to worsen the condition.


To minimize the development of consequences, as well as to quickly get rid of the disease, it is recommended to eat properly. Do not eat sweet, fatty, spicy, alcohol, citrus fruits, as well as products with high allergic properties: bananas and strawberries. It is recommended to focus on vegetables, herbs and berries.

From liquids it is better to stop the choice on water or vegetable juice. It is necessary to refrain from tea and coffee. In the period of exacerbation, it is better to give preference to vegetable soups, low-fat boiled meat or fish, the use of dairy products is allowed.

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