Monday, February 4, 2019

Acupressure for eczema

Massage for eczema and psoriasis.

There are a number of skin diseases that seriously poison the patient's life. Eczema, psoriasis and other diseases that acquire a chronic form have a negative impact on the daily life of a person, creating many difficulties and problems for him. However, currently there are many effective methods of treatment of these diseases. One of them is a special therapeutic massage.
How to Use Acupressure for Eczema

Features of therapeutic massage for skin diseases-psoriasis and eczema

The state of human skin is much more than just an aesthetic factor. Quite often, the skin is rightly called a mirror of the human body.

For the successful treatment of skin diseases, doctors often prescribe massage sessions. The main features of the massage for eczema and psoriasis are that during this procedure it is strictly forbidden to resort to any natural oils or any other cosmetics. Only after the session is completed, it is recommended to apply special preparations to the skin surface, the purpose of which is to enhance the effect of the massage. The composition of such funds may contain minerals, plant extracts, as well as healing water from thermal springs — all this helps to reduce itching and restore the skin.

What massage is recommended for eczema

Patients suffering from eczema experience severe itching caused by the accumulation of bradykinin, histamine and other biologically active substances in the skin and tissues, which begin to irritate the nerve endings. Therefore, the main task of massage procedures for this disease is to accelerate metabolic reactions, as well as improve the local blood flow, so that these substances are carefully processed and subsequently successfully go out.

15-20 daily massage sessions, which are held in an outpatient clinic or specially sanatorium-resort institutions, will help to alleviate the condition of the patient. To enhance the effect of the massage procedure can be carried out with elements of cryotherapy.

Holding of acupressure eczema

In the effective treatment of eczema plays an important role acupressure combined with acupuncture. There are several acupuncture points, the impact on which contributes to a rapid recovery. These include Le que (the point located slightly above the subulate process on the radial side of the forearm), qui Chi (between the radial end of the fold on the elbow bend and the lateral epicondyle), Zhao Hai (slightly below the medial ankle), da Zhui (the point between the processes of the first thoracic and seventh cervical vertebrae), San Yin Jiao (slightly above the Central part of the medial ankle), min-men (between the processes of the second and third lumbar vertebrae) and some others. Four to six points must be affected during a single session. The total duration of the course may be ten or fifteen sessions.

Massage for psoriasis

Thanks to procedures of acupressure at psoriasis there is a harmonious normalization of emotional and physiological balance. Patients suffering from this disease, it is recommended to influence the points related to the meridians of the lungs and kidneys. Each of the massage sessions is divided into three mandatory stages. First, the so-called points of General action are massaged, as a result of which the energy is restored, the emotional state is normalized and the natural defenses are increased. After that, they begin to influence the segmental points. And at the end of the session — massage those points that are located in areas of exacerbation of psoriasis. The duration of the massage points of General action is about five minutes. And segmental and local points should be affected no longer than one or two minutes.

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