Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Symptoms of eczema on scalp

Eczema of the scalp is an infectious disease affecting the area of hair growth. As a rule, it begins in places of increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of eczema on scalp

Eczema on the head: causes

The disease develops as a result of increasing the activity of fungi or Staphylococcus bacteria. The following factors contribute to its emergence:

  • taking some medications;
  • poor diet;
  • improper skin care;
  • the presence of minor wounds;
  • depletion of body;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • depression of immunity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys;
  • hormonal failures;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stresses;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Head eczema symptoms

The presence of the disease indicates:
  • the appearance of oily spots on the skin with clear outlines and layered edges;
  • its peeling;
  • serous rash;
  • itch;
  • redness;
  • rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid.

Classification of diseases

In the area of hair growth, as a rule, a form of the disease called seborrheic eczema of the head is diagnosed. It is observed not only along the hairline, but also behind the ears, can also spread to the sternum or between the shoulder blades. Characterized by yellow color, layering fat scales, growth of foci at the periphery and regress to the center. Pronounced wetness is most often absent, infiltration is not sharp.

Depending on the degree of development of the disease is allocated:
  1. Erythematous stage. At this stage, there is only itching and redness of the skin.
  2. Papulovesicular stage. Join rashes filled with liquid.
  3. Soaking eczema of the head. It is observed in the acute phase of the disease, characterized by multiple vesicles with liquid, in place of which subsequently formed filled with serous exudate recesses.
  4. Dry eczema of the head. It is detected in chronic form, when the skin is covered with dry crusts, which are easily cracked and characterized by severe itching.

Scalp eczema treatment

Eczema on the head requires a long complex treatment. As a rule, patients are prescribed:
  • corticosteroid preparations;
  • antibiotics (if the cause of the disease was a bacterial infection or if it joined as a complication);
  • antifungal agents (for the disease of fungal nature);
  • enzyme products;
  • sedative preparation.
As auxiliary techniques use:
  • laserotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • magnetic therapy and other procedures.
For the prevention of relapses, it is important to pay due attention to hair care, proper nutrition, minimize stress, comply with the regime of work and rest, undergo timely monitoring of the underlying disease (which was the root cause of rashes).

Monday, February 4, 2019

Home remedy for eczema on hands

Despite the high regenerative properties and the ability to recover quickly, the skin is quite vulnerable to external influences and internal factors, which include the functioning of organs and their systems. Skin diseases are the most extensive group of dermatological pathologies and are often accompanied by irritation, peeling, rash and other typical signs.

Eczema hands photos

One of the most common inflammatory skin diseases is eczema. The pathology has a pronounced symptoms: burning, itchy spots, rash, peeling. Eczema is not contagious to others, but the patient gives a lot of unpleasant sensations, including psychological discomfort, as the skin with spots and rashes (especially when wet eczema) looks unattractive and repels others. Treatment of the disease may include the use of glucocorticoid hormones, which have many contraindications and can cause undesirable side effects, so the treatment of eczema on the hands of folk remedies is very popular among all categories of patients.

Home remedy for eczema on hands

Is it possible to cure the disease by home methods?

Eczema is a serious disease with a high probability of recurrent course. The most typical localization of the pathological process are the hands, but inflammation can take a generalized form and affect large areas of the skin, located on different parts of the body. Any form of eczema are dermatitis-a large group of skin inflammatory processes, most often having an allergic nature and developing under the influence of certain pathogens. This classification determines the principles and tactics of treatment, which should be comprehensive and include not only the correction of behavioral habits and regimen, but also drug therapy.

Mild eczema hands

Home medicine can only be a Supplement to the basic treatment prescribed by a doctor. Many recipes are quite effectively cope with microbial, mycotic and seborrheic eczema, but they affect mainly on the symptom without eliminating the cause of disease, resulting in repeated relapses and various complications, such as secondary infection of the inflamed tissue.

Eczema stages

To achieve sustained remission and speed recovery, it is important to follow these guidelines.
  1. To avoid unrest, worries, emotional upheaval. If you can not cope with stress on your own, you can take drugs with sedative action ("Persen", "Afobazol", "Valerian medicinal"). In some cases, you may need the help of a psychologist.
  2. Exclude from the diet all products with a high index of allergenicity. The most popular food allergens are: cow's milk, fish, nuts, bee products (honey, Perga, propolis), citrus crops.
  3. All household chores should be done with gloves, and only hypoallergenic detergents and powders should be used for washing and cleaning.
Eczema caused by allergies

Eczema refers to immunopathological diseases, therefore, simultaneously with the treatment it is necessary to perform a set of measures aimed at strengthening the immune system. In the absence of contraindications, it includes hardening, gymnastics, sufficient motor activity, water treatments and walks in the fresh air. When poor nutrition or metabolic processes, leading to a deficiency of mineral salts and vitamins, shows the reception of complex vitamin and mineral supplements ("Pikovit", "Alphabet", "Complivit"). It is better to choose complexes in which the tablets are white, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease by additional exposure to aggressive dyes.

Pay attention! In some cases, to achieve stable remission, the patient is shown examination and treatment of concomitant diseases, since most of the recurrent cases are diagnosed in patients with diseases of the digestive tract and renal system.

Medical examination

Table. Statistics of morbidity among people of different age groups.
Age group The frequency of diagnosis of eczema
Newborns and children of the first year of life Rarely (mainly as an allergic reaction to drugs or congenital pathology).
Children from 1 to 7 years The incidence is moderate. The disease in this category is mainly associated with the food regime.
Children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years Rarely.
Adults Often.
Older people Very often.

Treatment with birch leaves and buds

Birch-this is the most common Northern tree, which refers to deciduous trees and shrubs. Few people know that the leaves, bark and buds of young trees contain a huge amount of antibacterial and antimicrobial components, as well as useful acids and substances that promote rapid healing of the skin, improve its regenerative properties and increase protective functions. Use for the treatment of eczema can only young leaves collected until mid-June, as the concentration of useful elements in this period is the highest.

birch leaves


For lotions it is necessary to prepare a strong infusion. This is usually used the kidneys, but a good result can be achieved by using branches and leaves: 100 raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover it and store it in a dark place for 2 hours. In the resulting infusion, moisten the gauze pads abundantly and apply them to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. To do such lotions need 3-4 times a day for four weeks.

Natural lotions for eczema


A decoction of birch leaves is a universal remedy for the treatment of eczema. To prepare it, you need 300 grams of raw material to pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook at a minimum temperature of about 25 minutes. You can use the broth immediately after it cools down, but for the best result you should insist it 40-60 minutes – so vitamin and mineral composition of the product will be more saturated.

Use the medicine from birch is necessary according to the following scheme:
  • on the morning and on the evening to do lotions (keep on 10-15 minutes);
  • during the day, periodically rinse your hands with prepared broth or just wipe them (up to five times a day);
  • 2 times a day to drink 70 ml of broth on an empty stomach.
Decoction of birch leaves

It is necessary to adhere to such a scheme for 2 weeks. During this time, itching and burning decrease or disappear completely, and the spots become a few tones paler.

Birch ointment

This ointment allows you to stop the symptoms of the disease in just 10 days, so people with chronic eczema should have this recipe in a piggy Bank of methods of non-traditional therapy of skin dermatitis. Preparing the ointment is as follows:
  • 80 grams of birch leaves to wash, grind and fold in a glass container;
  • melt the butter briquette (about 180-200 grams) and add it to the leaves;
  • add 10 drops of fir oil;
  • all thoroughly mix and remove the refrigerator for a day.
Ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas 4 times a day for 10 days. Products for the preparation of funds have reduced hypoallergenic properties, so this treatment is usually tolerated very well.

How to treat wet eczema?

Wet eczema (it is also called true eczema) is a severe inflammatory process in the upper layers of the dermis, accompanied by the formation of wet spots (blisters, from which exudate is released). Pathology is prone to frequent relapses and complicated course, so it is important to have on hand tools that will help to quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Weeping eczema
Wet eczema is an infectious disease on the skin, manifested in children and adults at any age, mainly after 40 years.

Milk compresses with greens

About 60 grams of fresh parsley (can be replaced with coriander) to grind and pour 250 ml of whole or pasteurized milk. Put on a slow fire and cook for at least 10-12 minutes. In the cooled milk broth dip gauze bandage and without pressing it, apply to the inflamed area for 30 minutes. The duration of treatment is three weeks (2-3 times a day), a noticeable relief occurs after a few days of use.

A milk compress with herbs

Juniper oil

Juniper oil and many other coniferous shrubs contain a large number of antimicrobial components, so it is well suited for the treatment of microbial and wet eczema with signs of secondary infection. Apply it 4 times a day, gently smearing the spots and blisters with a cotton swab moistened with slightly warmed oil. In the absence of allergies and positive dynamics of the procedure should be repeated for two weeks in a row.

Juniper essential oil

Cream of wheat

Pork lard (it is better to take boiled) to melt the fat – it should be about 4 tablespoons. In warm smalets add 2 teaspoons millet millet and a few drops of any vegetable oil of good quality. Mix and refrigerate for 20 hours. Apply this ointment should be 2 times a day. Duration of treatment - from 1 to 4 weeks.


Buckwheat compresses

A very good result is the use of buckwheat compresses. They quickly relieve inflammation, soothe irritated skin, saturate the skin with useful elements, increasing the local immunity of the epidermis. To prepare such compresses, it is necessary:
  • 2 tablespoons buckwheat flour mix with the same amount of water;
  • add a spoon of milk and 5 drops of olive oil;
  • mix thoroughly to obtain a uniform consistency.
The minimum number of procedures per day should not be less than two. If possible, it is better to make compresses 3-4 times a day – this will help to quickly relieve pathological symptoms and improve the condition of the patient. The full course of therapy is 2 weeks.

Buckwheat flour

Quick help with eczema: how to cope with itching in 10 minutes?

People suffering from various forms of eczema know that the most painful and unpleasant symptom of the disease is skin itching, accompanied by burning and strong tingling. Sometimes the intensity of itching reaches such high values that the patient is deprived of the opportunity to do the usual things. In such cases, it is necessary to know what means at hand will help to alleviate the condition in just 10 minutes without harm to health and side effects.

Eczema itching relief

Packs of yogurt or kefir

For this procedure it is necessary to take natural (white yogurt) with a maximum fat content – usually it is 6%. Kefir is also better to choose a fatter-not less than 3.2% fat - because fatty dairy products are faster to cope with inflammation and symptoms of irritation. Kefir should be applied to the surface of the hands with gauze or cotton swab and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a greasy cream.

Pay attention! This recipe is not suitable for people with fungal eczema, as any fungi multiply perfectly in the dairy environment.

Bath with chamomile and salt

This bath will help to quickly soothe the skin, as well as provide disinfection of the skin to prevent secondary infection. It is very simple to prepare: dissolve 100 grams of natural sea salt in 1 liter of chamomile broth. Keep your hands in this bath need 10 minutes. Relief comes immediately after the first procedure.

These methods-a great addition to the medical treatment of eczema, but they do not replace traditional therapy, so rely only on traditional recipes is not necessary. Treatment should be comprehensive – the only way to achieve rapid and stable results and long-term remission.

Chronic hand eczema

Chronic hand eczema
Chronic eczema of the hands-inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, which is accompanied by a rash and a tendency to relapse. Chronic eczema can occur in both diffuse and limited forms. As a rule, this type of eczema is dry.

Causes of the disease

Medicine can not give an accurate answer about what develops eczema of the skin of the hands. But, doctors are almost sure that the wrong functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems are the main reasons. As a result of the pathological changes there are serious violations of neuro-trophic regulation.

The first signs of eczema are called the appearance of bubbles in certain areas of the skin and hyperemia. Such formations lead to the fact that the skin becomes overly sensitive and reacts to the slightest external factors.

Eczema usually develops for the following reasons: 
  • helminthic invasion;
  • lack of trace elements;
  • hereditary immunodeficiency;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • dfgdfgdfgdf;
  • hypovitaminosis and more...


Chronic eczema of the hands develops due to the fact that vascular reactions begin to be performed with disorders. During the disease, the metabolic process is also significantly disrupted, as a result of which toxic substances begin to be excreted directly through the skin. It is these harmful products that are regularly absorbed into the skin, and lead to the development of the disease.

The clinical picture of the disease proceeds in stages. But in the epicenter of eczema can develop unevenly, often there are signs of several stages.


First aid for eczema-a protection against all possible factors affecting the irritability of the skin (sun rays, dirt, harmful insects, chemicals). It is necessary to follow a proper diet with a high percentage of vitamins and protein.

As practice shows, the most effective is a comprehensive method of treatment. First, diagnostic measures are carried out, then the obtained data are analyzed and a certain course of therapy is prescribed. In most cases, patients carry out the procedure of desensitization of the body. In the most difficult situations, if there is anemia, and resort to blood transfusion.

Varicose eczema

Varicose eczema
Pathological processes in the area of the lower extremities are quite common among the elderly. As practice shows, mostly women are susceptible to the disease, but cases of the disease in men are also not uncommon. Usually the consequence of the progression of the disease is varicose eczema, or so-called stagnant dermatitis, which occurs as a result of insufficient blood circulation. Blood stagnation, entailing epidermal lesions, as a rule, characteristic of patients who underwent surgery to eliminate thrombosis, as well as persons suffering from varicose veins.

For varicose eczema of the lower extremities are characterized by seasonal exacerbations and recessions, so in the case of timely and professional treatment to get rid of the symptoms and achieve significant remission is quite possible.

The article presents information about the causes of the pathology, its symptoms, and you can also find out which treatment is the most effective in varicose eczema.

Pay attention! At the heart of treatment therapy for varicose veins is the use of traditional methods of treatment, the use of traditional medicine is allowed as an auxiliary method of healing from the disease.

In addition, the material contains information about preventive measures, which can prevent the development of pathology.

Following the advice of dermatologists, you can not only get rid of the manifestations of the disease forever, but also to prevent its occurrence. After all, as you know, to prevent the development of the disease is much easier than to cure it.

Causes of the disease

Eczema on legs
Varicose eczema is a dermatological skin disease that develops as a result of circulatory disorders in the veins located on the lower extremities. In addition, a factor contributing to the progression of the disease is the imperfect operation of the valves, their inability to perform their functions accordingly. The presence of the above circumstances entails insufficiency of venous outflow, and as a consequence, the formation of stagnation in the venous vessels.

Additional factors contributing to the manifestation of varicose veins include:
  1. the presence of excess weight in the patient, resulting in a significantly increased load on the legs, contributing to an increase in pressure in the veins and the formation of blood stagnation;
  2. patients suffering from deep vein thrombosis are more susceptible to the disease;
  3. external damage to the legs, their injury;
  4. hereditary factor;
  5. disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  6. advanced forms of dermatological diseases, manifested earlier, and entailed the development of complications, for example, in the form of bacterial infection;
  7. in women, venous eczema may occur during pregnancy, due to excessive weight, or immediately after birth. To avoid such consequences, you can follow the recommendations of nutritionists;
  8. non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, violation of the order, which led to failures in the work of the whole body;
  9. daily use of uncomfortable shoes, which is the cause of additional stress on the lower limbs. Thus, the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes contributes not only to the deformation of the foot, but also to the development of varicose veins.
More information! According to dermatologists, stagnant dermatitis is more common in patients whose parents (one of the parents) have suffered from stagnant dermatitis. In this case, the disease itself can not be inherited, but only a predisposition to its manifestation, so in the case of following the recommendations of dermatologists, it is possible to protect yourself from the development of pathology.

How does varicose eczema develop?

The development of pathology is carried out in several stages:
  1. dysfunction of the valves and the poor condition of the venous vessels entails a fundamental change of the outflow of blood;
  2. the next step is a significant increase in veins, their swelling;
  3. increase of blood pressure in veins;
  4. reducing the thickness of the epidermis of the lower extremities;
  5. formation of cracks and wounds in the affected areas.
Important! Neglect of the disease can lead to the addition of bacterial infection, the formation of ulcers. Most often, venous eczema affects the area of the ankle joint.

Stages of varicose eczema

Varicose eczema on legs pictures
In varicose eczema of the lower extremities, treatment is prescribed depending on the stage of development of the disease. It should be noted that each stage is characterized by different symptoms and signs.

Stages of disease development:

  1. initial stage. At this stage, the first signs of blood flow disorders are observed: the skin begins to peel and itch, the color of the epidermis changes;
  2. the second stage of the disease is characterized by soft tissue edema, along with peeling of the skin, its erosion begins. The epidermis becomes reddish, as a result of constant combing on the skin there are wounds and ulcers;
  3. the third stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of bubbles on the skin, which are subsequently opened and so-called wetness is formed in their place. The danger of this stage is the presence of the probability of complications (bacterial infection);
  4. the fourth stage is accompanied by inhibition of inflammatory processes. Wounds and ulcers dry up, covered with crust. As a rule, scars and scars remain in the places of localization of the disease.

Symptoms of varicose eczema

The localization of the disease:
  • Shin area;
  • ankle;
  • foot;
Pay attention! When varicose veins can affect both legs at the same time, and each limb separately.

Eczema in varicose veins is characterized by the development of the following symptoms:
  1. changing the color of the skin on the legs, which is justified by the development of inflammatory processes;
  2. the temperature increase of the epidermis;
  3. constant burning in the affected areas;
  4. the appearance of puffiness;
  5. formation of bubbles (vesicles) filled with transparent liquid;
  6. wetness arising in the places of opening of vesicles;
  7. scars.

Diagnosis of disease

Eczema varicose on the body
In the case of venous eczema, treatment is prescribed directly by a dermatologist and only after diagnostic measures.

There is no specific way to diagnose varicose veins at the moment. As a rule, the establishment of the cause of skin lesions is carried out according to the patient, as well as after examination of the epidermis and study of the nature of the damage. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe tests, in particular for allergic reactions to external stimuli.

During the diagnosis, the main task of the dermatologist is to establish the causes that provoked varicose veins.

To achieve this goal, the following research methods can be assigned:
  1. Doppler ultrasound imaging;
  2. the use of radiopaque venography.

Treatment of varicose eczema

With varicose eczema of the lower extremities (photo), treatment is prescribed both medical and surgical. As a rule, surgery is required in advanced cases, when medications and external means have not had the desired effect.

Traditional methods of control of varicose eczema

Eczema on foot pictures
In the initial stages of development of pathology is recommended to use external means of local action. These include creams, ointments, medicated baths, lotions (cream "Skin-KAP", hormonal agent "Triderm", corticosteroids, ointment "Sinaflan", antiseptic external funds).

Antihistamines ("Karotegin", "Help") help to reduce the inflammatory effect, relieves itching and burning. Also for soothing of the nervous system are appointed by sedatives, the favorable impact of drugs on the basis of Valerian and hawthorn.

In case of complications, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, in particular "Amoxicillin", "Suprax", "Azitrox".

Important! It is recommended to treat varicose veins with antibiotics only after visiting a dermatologist and establishing the cause of the disease.

Is it possible for varicose eczema treatment folk remedies?

Important! Folk recipes can be used as an additional way to combat the disease. Before using alternative medicine should consult with a dermatologist.

Healing of affected areas contribute to:
  • almond and coconut oil;
  • healing compositions on the basis of medicinal herbs (burdock, Ivan-tea, chamomile);
  • decoctions of chamomile, calendula and oak bark promote healing of ulcers and reduce inflammation.

Preventive measures, dermatologist recommendations

Effective preventive measures to prevent the manifestation of the disease are:
  • active lifestyle;
  • athletics;
  • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • the use of comfortable shoes.
Pay attention! Even with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, movement should not be limited, it promotes microcirculation and wound healing.

In the case of the first signs of varicose veins should immediately consult a doctor, self-treatment can lead to undesirable consequences and deterioration of health in General.

Venous eczema

Let's first define what is a disease, which will be discussed in this article. Thus, venous eczema is a chronic inflammation of the skin, which occurs as a result of venous stagnation. Most often, this disease affects the legs. In principle, the disease can develop for various reasons, among which the most common are: diseases of blood vessels and veins, leg injuries, heart disease;

Obesity has a special influence on the development of venous eczema. People who have a lot of weight are usually inactive, mostly their lifestyle is sedentary, while blood stagnates in the lower extremities, and there are all the prerequisites for the disease to begin to develop.


Venous eczema

It is the presence of thrombosis of the veins of the legs is a common cause of eczema. The first to are struck by hammer. This occurs as a result of lack of oxygen in the tissues, as well as blood flow difficulties. The result of all the above is the swelling of the leg, with the expansion of the lumen of the vessels, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result, there is an infection with fluid and pus inside the wounds, later ulcers begin to form. The leg is strongly swollen and the development of venous eczema occurs. It is worth noting that eczema is not contagious, although it has a repulsive and frightening appearance.


Venous eczema is not an independent disease. This is a complication that occurs in the presence of varicose veins, which has already passed to the" developed " stage. At this time, the picture of the presence of venous insufficiency is already present: there is a constant swelling of the legs, veins are greatly expanded.

One of the first symptoms of complications can be considered itching. On the skin exposed to changes (the skin becomes hyperpigmented and thickened), small bubbles are formed, which are quickly opened (as a result of combs or independently). Also appear peeling crust, scales or folds.

Over time, the soaking covers begin to dry up, while the skin thickens and coarsens, there is its scarring.

Legs with trophic ulcers

Any damaged parts of the skin (where the scrapes and scratches), the formation of trophic ulcers – defects of the skin, usually with great depth. Ulcers heal badly due to impaired blood supply to the leg. From ulcer often stands out purulent contents, which are irritating to surrounding skin than aggravate eczema.

How to recognize the manifestation of the disease is not hard to miss: it is swelling of the legs, disturbance of tissue trophism and inflammatory processes in the veins.


The treatment of the disease is reduced primarily to eliminate the direct causes triggering. It is necessary to start with the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Usually treatment is aimed at the normalization of venous outflow, as well as to combat skin complications.

compression stockings
In this case, the following therapeutic measures are usually carried out:
  • During rest, the lower limbs should be kept in a raised state.
  • To minimize the time in the vertical position.
  • The use of compression knitwear-it is recommended to wear special socks or stockings that compress the legs and have a positive effect on the outflow of venous blood.
  • Appointment doctor venotonics-drugs that affect the reduction of the permeability of the walls of the veins, reducing swelling. It is worth noting that these drugs are taken for several months, sometimes even their reception is appointed for life, to achieve and consolidate the therapeutic effect.
  • Appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, antibiotics.
  • The use of ointments that contain antibacterial, healing and analgesic components to fight eczema and ulcers.
The development of venous eczema clearly complicates the development of varicose vascular disease, to cure it, it is necessary to normalize venous outflow, as well as to fight infection at the local level. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist – surgeon, dermatologist and phlebologist.

In addition to medical treatment, the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient, can prescribe a course of physiotherapy:
  1. Laserotherapy;
  2. UFO;
  3. Magnetotherapy;
  4. UHF.
Elevated Legs Compression Systems
Also, this disease can be treated with compression vacuum therapy. When this procedure is carried out, a pneumatic hose with many chambers is used, which is equipped with overlapping cells. There is stimulation and removal of lymph from the legs. Due to the stimulation of lymph flow, swelling in the extremities is reduced.

Venous eczema can also be treated surgically. This method should be used if there is a need to eliminate necrotic tissue that is affected by trophic ulcers.

Also, surgical treatment is possible in the form of elimination of dilated vessels to restore blood circulation.

Treatment of this disease often has a positive prognosis. However, it can only be counted on if the patient fully complies with and follows all the procedures and recommendations for care and treatment prescribed by the doctor. If you do not start treatment of eczema in a timely manner, it can lead to sad consequences, including amputation of the limb.


In parallel with the use of prescribed medicines can be used and folk remedies. Basically, they are represented by various compresses with decoctions of herbs or salt, with cabbage leaf. Excellent anti-inflammatory effect have herbs such as chamomile, sage, series. To prepare a compress, the grass is brewed in boiling water, insist 1.5-2 hours, filter. Broth need to moisten a clean cloth and apply to the affected area.

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of venous eczema can not rely solely on traditional methods of treatment. Their use is allowed only in conjunction with the reception of drugs and the implementation of all the instructions of the attending physician. It is also worth noting that folk remedies are not recommended to use during the exacerbation of the disease, as it is possible to worsen the condition.


To minimize the development of consequences, as well as to quickly get rid of the disease, it is recommended to eat properly. Do not eat sweet, fatty, spicy, alcohol, citrus fruits, as well as products with high allergic properties: bananas and strawberries. It is recommended to focus on vegetables, herbs and berries.

From liquids it is better to stop the choice on water or vegetable juice. It is necessary to refrain from tea and coffee. In the period of exacerbation, it is better to give preference to vegetable soups, low-fat boiled meat or fish, the use of dairy products is allowed.

Acupressure for eczema

Massage for eczema and psoriasis.

There are a number of skin diseases that seriously poison the patient's life. Eczema, psoriasis and other diseases that acquire a chronic form have a negative impact on the daily life of a person, creating many difficulties and problems for him. However, currently there are many effective methods of treatment of these diseases. One of them is a special therapeutic massage.
How to Use Acupressure for Eczema

Features of therapeutic massage for skin diseases-psoriasis and eczema

The state of human skin is much more than just an aesthetic factor. Quite often, the skin is rightly called a mirror of the human body.

For the successful treatment of skin diseases, doctors often prescribe massage sessions. The main features of the massage for eczema and psoriasis are that during this procedure it is strictly forbidden to resort to any natural oils or any other cosmetics. Only after the session is completed, it is recommended to apply special preparations to the skin surface, the purpose of which is to enhance the effect of the massage. The composition of such funds may contain minerals, plant extracts, as well as healing water from thermal springs — all this helps to reduce itching and restore the skin.

What massage is recommended for eczema

Patients suffering from eczema experience severe itching caused by the accumulation of bradykinin, histamine and other biologically active substances in the skin and tissues, which begin to irritate the nerve endings. Therefore, the main task of massage procedures for this disease is to accelerate metabolic reactions, as well as improve the local blood flow, so that these substances are carefully processed and subsequently successfully go out.

15-20 daily massage sessions, which are held in an outpatient clinic or specially sanatorium-resort institutions, will help to alleviate the condition of the patient. To enhance the effect of the massage procedure can be carried out with elements of cryotherapy.

Holding of acupressure eczema

In the effective treatment of eczema plays an important role acupressure combined with acupuncture. There are several acupuncture points, the impact on which contributes to a rapid recovery. These include Le que (the point located slightly above the subulate process on the radial side of the forearm), qui Chi (between the radial end of the fold on the elbow bend and the lateral epicondyle), Zhao Hai (slightly below the medial ankle), da Zhui (the point between the processes of the first thoracic and seventh cervical vertebrae), San Yin Jiao (slightly above the Central part of the medial ankle), min-men (between the processes of the second and third lumbar vertebrae) and some others. Four to six points must be affected during a single session. The total duration of the course may be ten or fifteen sessions.

Massage for psoriasis

Thanks to procedures of acupressure at psoriasis there is a harmonious normalization of emotional and physiological balance. Patients suffering from this disease, it is recommended to influence the points related to the meridians of the lungs and kidneys. Each of the massage sessions is divided into three mandatory stages. First, the so-called points of General action are massaged, as a result of which the energy is restored, the emotional state is normalized and the natural defenses are increased. After that, they begin to influence the segmental points. And at the end of the session — massage those points that are located in areas of exacerbation of psoriasis. The duration of the massage points of General action is about five minutes. And segmental and local points should be affected no longer than one or two minutes.
